Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My son, Seandy

What I love most about my son, Seandy is his sweetness and his loving heart. He is fond of saying I love you to all of us.

I took a day off work yesterday so I was just home taking care of my kids. We were inside the room - me taking care of my 2 month old baby and Seandy playing with his lego. Out of nowhere Seandy asked me, "Mommy, do you love me?" I said, "Of course, Adie, I do love you." Then he came to me and kissed me. He smiled and then asked "Can I watch DVD Cartoons?" and then walked out.

It made me smile. I am so thankful because I know my son is being loved by all the people around him. I believe that is the reason why he shows compassion and love to other people as well. You just can’t give what you do not have!

I am so proud of my son. When I first found out I was pregnant with my second child, I was kind of nervous about Seandy. I thought it would be hard for him. I remembered some kids who bullied their younger siblings, thinking they are no longer loved. I thought of sibling rivalry.

But good thing when we told Seandy about it, he was so excited. He even baby talks with his sister inside my womb. Now whenever he hears our baby Andie cry he would go inside the room and say: “Do not cry, baby Andie. I am here.” And he’s fond of kissing her.

I remember some years ago, before I even had kids, I told my friends that I will have kids that the world will love. Thank God for giving me these two lovable kids.

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You Are Somewhat Like Your Mom
Believe it or not, you and your mom are pretty darn similar.
It may not seem like it at times, but you and your mom have a lot of common ground.
Over time, you'll probably get closer ... especially if you emphasize the things you like about each other.