Sunday, December 2, 2007

My Redeemer Lives

know he rescued my soul
His blood has covered my sin
I believe
I believe

My shame He's taken away
My pain is healed in his name
I believe
I believe

I'll raise a banner
'Cause my Lord has conquered the grave

My Redeemer Lives
My Redeemer Lives
My Redeemer Lives
My Redeemer Lives

I know He's rescued my soul
His blood has covered my sin
I believe
I believe

My shame He's taken away
My pain is healed in His Name
I believe
I believe

I'll raisen a banner
'Cause My Lord has conquered the grave

You Lift my burdens
I'll rise with You
I'm dancing on this mountain top to see your kingdom come

My Redeemer Lives
My Redeemer Lives
My Redeemer Lives
My Redeemer Lives

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You Are Somewhat Like Your Mom
Believe it or not, you and your mom are pretty darn similar.
It may not seem like it at times, but you and your mom have a lot of common ground.
Over time, you'll probably get closer ... especially if you emphasize the things you like about each other.